Pet ChowChows

Although they are very 'cute', they have a very strong personality and they tend to be aggressive. This is not a problem if you know how to raise a dog, this is certainly not a begginner dog. They constant and continuous, hard and firm education. Chows make good protection dogs. They must be socialized since young. You must make it clear that YOU are the boss and he is the dog.

This is a home-dog, you can't leave them in a kennel or dog house outside or they will be depressed and aggressive. They should take two walks per day, making a total of 45min of walking.

Their fur is hard to treat. I brush my chow three times a weak, but after every stroll I check for dry leaves, stickss... in the fur. I allways dry him after he drinks water or anytime I see he's wet; this will prevent the dog from geting knots in the fur.

These are extremely clean dogs. They don't smell; they don´t poo at home for more than 5 months; if they get the floor dirty, they will try to eat it...

You should never hit a chow, as this tends to make him aggressive.

I have had two chows and they were both well-thaught. They were/are happy, social dogs.

My actual dog - Mushu - 1 month old

Mushu - 3 months

My first dog - Tung - 6 years

tung - 6 years
Tung - 6 years

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